Writing News Features in English: Guide to Writing, Understanding, and Practicing
Judul : Writing News Features in English: Guide to Writing, Understanding, and Practicing
Penulis : Wisnu Kala Kusumajati, Vera Yulia Harmayanthi
Sinopsis Buku :
“Writing News Features in English: Guide to Writing, Understanding, and Practicing” is a manual on how to write compelling news features. There are five chapters in the book: In Chapter 1, “Understanding News Features,” The basic tenets of news feature writing are covered, including how to combine factual reporting with narrative storytelling. In the second chapter, “Writing Human Interest Features,” Readers will discover how to use relatability and empathy in their writing to produce powerful human-interest pieces. In Chapter 3, “Writing Travel Features,” the author takes the reader on a verbal excursion. Chapter 4, “Writing Historical Features,” This section offers advice on how to vividly depict historical occurrences through thorough research, compelling storytelling, and tying the past to the present. The fifth chapter, “Writing Trend Features,” This chapter teaches authors how to recognize new trends and convey them interestingly and compellingly.
The course “Writing News Features in English” gives budding writers and journalists the skills they need to produce a wide variety of new features. Readers will learn more about journalism and its many uses in the media landscape of today by blending it with narrative.
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