Caring for a Child with Down Syndrome
Judul : Caring for a Child with Down Syndrome
Penulis : Arif Rohman Mansur
Sinopsis Buku :
Down syndrome is a common intellectual disability worldwide, affecting approximately 1 in 1000 living individuals. It is caused by genetic factors affecting a specific chromosome. Individuals with Down have three conditions: chromosomal abnormalities 21 or a condition where they have extra chromosomes. These conditions can lead to health issues, learning difficulties, and significant social and medical costs. Individuals with Down often fear their lives will be shortened due to the condition. Some complications of Down syndrome can be severe, and individuals need to seek appropriate treatment. Trisomy 21 is present in 95% of people with Down syndrome, that is, an extra copy of chromosome 21 in every cell. Mosaicism accounts for a small proportion of children with Down syndrome (3%), occurring when an extra piece or entire extra chromosome 21 is present.
Management of Down syndrome is multidisciplinary and individualized, focusing on enhancing the quality of life, maximizing self-sufficiency, and improving both cognitive and physical abilities. Management of children with Down syndrome involves regular check-ups and screenings. Neonatal and periodic functional assessments especially in cases with evidence of growth. Growth hormone could be a potential intervention. The strategy for solving the problem of congenital abnormalities in the fetus is family planning before the mother reaches 30 years of age. Down syndrome in children requires comprehensive and individual care, covering medical, educational, psychological, and social aspects. It is crucial to regularly and comprehensively treat health conditions such as fever, gastrointestinal issues, and physical interventions, such as bathing, stretching,
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