Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship
Judul : Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship
Penulis : Arif Rohman Mansur
Sinopsis Buku :
Playing is a psychological method that effectively supports emotional and psychological responses in children. One way to use this text to be more accurate is as a reminder: children often use games as a way to express themselves and explore their environment. This can be used in child counseling and can also be applied to older individuals. The main purpose of play therapy is to facilitate the expression of emotions that may be affected by playing. The process of play therapy helps individuals feel supported and understood in how they can express themselves effectively. Playing activities can include games that appeal to children, such as reading, drawing, and playing cards. In some cases, play therapy can involve participation from family members, parents, or even strangers in the game. (Ohwovoriole, 2021).
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