Pocket Classroom : The Future Of EFL Through Innovative Mobile Learning
Judul : Pocket Classroom : The Future Of EFL Through Innovative Mobile Learning
Penulis : Nofvia De Vega, Muhammad Basri, Sahril Nur
Sinopsis Buku :
In this era of rapid technological advancement, the field of education has witnessed a significant transformation. The traditional classroom model is evolving into a more flexible, personalized, and accessible format: the “Pocket Classroom.” This book, “Pocket Classroom: The Future of EFL Through Innovative Mobile Learning,” explores this innovative concept’s potential in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching.
The Pocket Classroom is not just about providing education through mobile devices; it is about leveraging technology to enhance learning experiences, making them more engaging and effective. Throughout this book, we will discuss the origins of the Pocket Classroom concept, how it differs from traditional classrooms, and why it holds enormous potential for EFL teaching.
We will explore the foundations of EFL learning, emphasizing shifts in pedagogy brought by technology. We will delve into cognitive processes involved in digital contexts and how they influence mobile learning design principles. Furthermore, we will examine pedagogical strategies adapted for the digital age, including emerging technologies such as AR/VR and AI.
Practical considerations for implementing a Pocket Classroom are also addressed alongside challenges like device availability and accessibility or stakeholder resistance. Emphasis is given to digital literacy’s role in mobile learning environments and practical strategies to improve student’s skills.
Ensuring inclusivity forms an essential part of our discussion, where we address overcoming accessibility challenges while cultivating an inclusive environment considering diverse learning needs. Finally, we touch upon managing online interactions effectively, including conflict resolution in virtual classrooms.
The book also discusses gamification as a tool for enhancing engagement while addressing data privacy and ethical considerations vital for any modern educational setup. We conclude by emphasizing professional development opportunities for EFL teachers, encouraging them to embrace continuous learning. In short, “Pocket Classroom: The Future of EFL Through Innovative Mobile Learning” provides readers with comprehensive insights into modern-day EFL teaching methodologies enabled by mobile technology.
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