Stages Model In The Region: Indonesia Foreign Direct Investment
Judul: Stages Model In The Region: Indonesia Foreign Direct Investment
Penulis: Surya Oktaviandra
This book discusses the important role of local governments in investment activities, especially direct foreign investment. Although foreign investment permits are generally granted by the central government, the of foreign investment activities takes place in the regions. Therefore, the role of local governments is very prominent.
Local governments have a role to encourage and ensure the smooth of foreign investment efforts to be successful. However, this role can also lead to disputes if certain actions by local governments cause foreign investment activities not to run as they should.
This book is divided into four chapters. The first chapter will introduce readers to the concept of investment in general. In the second chapter, the author describes the role and authority of the government, especially local governments, in implementing PMA. In the third chapter, the author discusses the stages that must be passed in order for PMA to run well. Finally, in the fourth chapter, the author will present a discussion on what important things must be considered by local governments in implementing PMA.
With these four chapters presented in sequence, it is expected that this book can be easily understood by readers, as well as obtain relevant and useful.
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